Monday, February 6, 2012


    The Chinese language posed an obstacle to the unification of the empire.There was different dialects spoken in different places so there was no single accepted way to write the language.  Qin burned books that were written by scholars because they were written about Confucianism and he didn’t believe in that. Qin believed in Legalism.  Qin unified the writing system. The only books that were not forbidden, are writings about medicine, herbs, divining and agriculture. There were inscriptions on steles that Qin had built, shows the confucian thinking.
    The emperor himself was very interested in daoist practices to extend his life or to gain immortality. He sent out an expedition to search for the islands of immortality called penglai. generations of scholars tried to find out what country was meant with penglai. After the reign as the first emperor, he changed the official color to black according to the theory of the five elements and their cosmic.
    A comprehensive anthology of philosophical thinking around 250 BC is the spring and Autumn collection of master Lushi Chunqiu compiled by the chancellor Lu Buwei.

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